How do I add my clients? (STEP 5)
How do I add my clients? (STEP 5)

Once you have completed your Practice Profile (steps 1-4) you can now start to add your clients. You will need ...

I have multiple clients. Do I have to manually enter each one separately?
I have multiple clients. Do I have to manually enter each one separately?

No, you can import client data from a csv file. From the ‘My Clients’ page you can simply click on ...

Can I upload details for multiple clients at once?
Can I upload details for multiple clients at once?

Although some practices have many clients most IAB Supervised members provide services for a relatively small number. A facility to ...

When inserting my clients’ details, I cannot find the service I offer them in the list displayed?
When inserting my clients’ details, I cannot find the service I offer them in the list displayed?

Ensure that you have selected all relevant services when completing your Practice details. The service details in this section feed ...

I have multiple clients – do I have to manually enter each client separately? 
I have multiple clients – do I have to manually enter each client separately? 

No, you can import client data from a csv file. From the ‘My Clients’ page you can simply click on ...

I have added one of my clients’ details, but it is showing as high risk and I don’t think they are. What should I do?
I have added one of my clients’ details, but it is showing as high risk and I don’t think they are. What should I do?

If a risk rating is different to expected this needs exploring further by the member in the first instance as ...