How do I complete my Practice Details? (STEP 1)
How do I complete my Practice Details? (STEP 1)

Create your Practice Details by clicking on the Edit button under the My Practice/Details page. Input the total number of ...

How do I create my Beneficial Owners? (STEP 2)
How do I create my Beneficial Owners? (STEP 2)

To create all BOOM(s) for your Practice click on the Owners page under the My Practice tab. Your details will ...

How Do I create my Staff records? (STEP 3)
How Do I create my Staff records? (STEP 3)

***PLEASE NOTE: Even if you don’t employ any staff, you will still need to complete this step for your own ...

How do I create Subcontractors? (STEP 4)
How do I create Subcontractors? (STEP 4)

If you have any subcontractors these need to be added to your AML Complete record. Click on the Subcontractors page ...

How do I add my clients? (STEP 5)
How do I add my clients? (STEP 5)

Once you have completed your Practice Profile (steps 1-4) you can now start to add your clients. You will need ...

How do I ensure my application is ready to submit to the IAB? (STEP 6)
How do I ensure my application is ready to submit to the IAB? (STEP 6)

Before you submit your application to the IAB you must ensure that all details are complete, accurate and up to ...

How do I submit my application to the IAB? (STEP 7)
How do I submit my application to the IAB? (STEP 7)

Once all tasks are complete and you are happy that the information is accurate and up to date you can ...