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How do I add my clients? (STEP 5)

Once you have completed your Practice Profile (steps 1-4) you can now start to add your clients. You will need to create a separate record for each client you provide services to, along with details of each Beneficial owner within that business. To do this click on the My Clients tab and then ‘Create Client’. Complete all the details and document uploads as appropriate and click ‘Save Changes’.

Once you have saved your client details you will then be taken to the Client’s Beneficial Owner page where you will need to create a record for each beneficial owner within that business. Click ‘Create Owner’ and complete all details as appropriate clicking on ‘Save Changes’ once you are happy with the details. If there is more than one beneficial owner these will also need to be added. To create additional beneficial owners for that client select the My Clients tab, click on the relevant client record and click ‘Add Owner’.

Repeat the above process until you have the appropriate number of Beneficial Owners showing for that client.

For further help please see Clients Video.