There are seven steps that you will need to follow to create your record for the first time in AML Complete. A summary of each step is provided here with specific details of how to perform each step broken down further in the Getting Started section. Please note that when you first log into each section all questions will be highlighted yellow. Once an answer has been selected the highlight will disappear for that question.
This is to help you identify any questions you may have missed that could stop you from being able to submit the form.
STEP 1 – Create your Practice Details. Details are entered here which describe the Practice, including its business structure, the number of owners, partners, employees and subcontractors involved. It also covers services offered and how the Practice manages things like engagement with its clients, compliance with anti-money laundering legislation as well as oversight of its own business processes and staff training. Certain questions will generate further profiles, for example in relation to each staff member. Uploading of documents may also be invited, for example the Practice anti-money laundering policy.
STEP 2 – Create a record for each BOOM* within your practice. This is where details of any Beneficial Owner, Officer or Manager(s) for your Practice are entered. NOTE – *See the Definitions section for further details of what constitutes a BOOM.
STEP 3 – Create a record for every member of staff within your practice (this includes yourself!) This is where details are entered for each practice employee* (including partners or owners in the business) whose work is: ‘Relevant to compliance with the 2017 Regulations; or is otherwise capable of contributing to the identification and mitigation of the risks of MLTF to which the business is subject, or to the prevention or detection of MLTF in relation to the business.’ *Note: A separate profile is required for Agents or Sub-contractors who are not ‘employees’ but provide relevant services to the Practice (Step 4 below).
STEP 4 – Create any Subcontractors you may have. This is where details are entered for each subcontractor or ‘agent’ used by the Practice whose work is ‘Relevant to compliance with the 2017 Regulations; or is otherwise capable of contributing to the identification and mitigation of the risks of MLTF to which the business is subject, or to the prevention or detection of MLTF in relation to the business.’ Note: There is a separate form staff who are employees of the Practice (Step 3).
STEP 5 – Create your Clients and their Beneficial owner(s). This is where details of a client business are entered. (A separate profile is required for each client). It covers who they are, the structure of their business, what they do and how your practice engages with them. An additional short profile is also needed for each Beneficial Owner(s) of this client business and for some questions you will be invited to upload copies of relevant documents.
STEP 6 – Check your tasks. This is where any outstanding tasks will appear to prompt you to complete any areas of the application which may be missing or incomplete.
STEP 7 – Submit your application to IAB. Congratulations! You are now ready to submit your application to the IAB for review. To do this click the ‘Submit to IAB’ button under the My Tasks page