How long do I have to insert all details in AML Complete?
How long do I have to insert all details in AML Complete?

You will have 6-weeks to insert all your details. From the date of your first renewal notice. ...

How does AML Complete Work?
How does AML Complete Work?

AML Complete is firstly a record of information about your practice. This is based on different ‘profiles’ which describe your ...

How does AML Complete help with my ‘Firm risk assessment’?
How does AML Complete help with my ‘Firm risk assessment’?

Based on the information entered into the system by the user AML Complete includes a facility to produce a documented ...

Does data protection and GDPR legislation allow for me to share my client details with IAB?
Does data protection and GDPR legislation allow for me to share my client details with IAB?

IAB is a ‘Professional Body Supervisor’ (PBS) Under the MLTF Regulations 2017 and 220 IAB. As such IAB uses information ...

How does IAB use AML Complete?
How does IAB use AML Complete?

AML Complete provides a database of information around AML Risk for IAB. This is not only focused on individual bookkeeping ...

Is AML-Complete used for Inspection purposes?
Is AML-Complete used for Inspection purposes?

IAB uses a combination of different methods, including remote and on-site inspections for the supervision of bookkeeping and accountancy practices. ...

Do I have to pay for using AML Complete?
Do I have to pay for using AML Complete?

No, it is included with your AML Supervision license. ...

Why are the questions tick box style?
Why are the questions tick box style?

To speed up data entry most questions within AML Complete provide three ‘tick box’ type answers, usually ‘Yes’, ‘No’, or ...

Why isn’t ‘not applicable’ included as an option?
Why isn’t ‘not applicable’ included as an option?

In short, because all the questions apply to some aspect of risk or compliance. AML Complete is designed to cover ...