Why isn’t ‘not applicable’ included as an option?
Why isn’t ‘not applicable’ included as an option?

In short, because all the questions apply to some aspect of risk or compliance. AML Complete is designed to cover ...

Why is ‘Uncertain’ included as a possible answer?
Why is ‘Uncertain’ included as a possible answer?

Where necessary information is not immediately available AML Complete provides the option to answer ‘Uncertain’ in response to some questions. ...

I only have a combined Policy & Procedure document covering all key areas of AML compliance. How do I upload this to the relevant question as part of my Practice Profile? 
I only have a combined Policy & Procedure document covering all key areas of AML compliance. How do I upload this to the relevant question as part of my Practice Profile? 

AML Complete does not currently have the capability to distinguish between a combined document and single procedures. Please upload the ...