Why does my Practice/Service Risk show as Very High Risk? 
Why does my Practice/Service Risk show as Very High Risk? 

For every question you answer, a score is allocated depending on the answer you provide. This score is predetermined by ...

I have added one of my clients’ details, but it is showing as high risk and I don’t think they are. What should I do?
I have added one of my clients’ details, but it is showing as high risk and I don’t think they are. What should I do?

If a risk rating is different to expected this needs exploring further by the member in the first instance as ...

My AML Complete Dashboard shows I have some issues, what should I do?
My AML Complete Dashboard shows I have some issues, what should I do?

AML Complete is designed to help you manage AML for your practice. The ‘Dashboard’ is intended to highlight areas where ...

What does the ‘Complete’ button do?
What does the ‘Complete’ button do?

This button becomes active once all the profile questions have been answered. Clicking the ‘complete’ button initiates a transfer of ...